Car Shipping and Export News and updates on global changes
Nov 13, 2024
arrival security and safety program, Import Control System 2 (ICS2). This system will replace the current ICS1
regulation and will come into effect on 4th December 2024.
Under the new ICS2 requirements, incomplete or inaccurate declarations may result in delays, rejections, or
interventions by customs authorities, potentially leading to sanctions on the customers for non-compliance. The
ICS2 program applies to shipments transported by sea and inland waterways that are destined for or transiting
through the European Union (EU) including Caribbean countries under EU Customs territory, Northern Ireland,
Norway, and Switzerland, including those transshipped or retained on board while passing through these regions.
Preparing for ICS2
To ensure a smooth transition to ICS2, we kindly request our customers to submit additional information. This
will help ensure compliance with the new requirements.
Required Information
Please provide the following details with your shipment documentation:
A 6-digit Harmonized Commodity (HS) Code.
A complete and comprehensive description of the goods.
The Consignee’s EORI Number (for EU shipments only).
Full address details for all involved parties, including street name, number, PO Box, city, postcode, and
Seller and Buyer information (if different from the shipper and consignee, and if the goods are
delivered within the EU).
Details of any House Bill(s) of Lading included in the shipment.
The EORI number of the supplementary declarant in cases of multiple Entry Summary Declarations
(ENS) filings.
Please note that this information is provided as a courtesy, and we strongly recommend referring to the official
European Commission guidelines to ensure complete compliance. More details can be found in the European
Commission's Import Control System 2 - Release 3 on their website: Import Control System 2 - Release 3 -
European Commission (
Option for Multiple Filing
Under the ICS2 regulations, customers are required to provide details of the Seller/Buyer (if the cargo is to be
delivered in the EU) and House Bill of Lading data, including for FROB (Freight Remaining on Board) cargo. If
customers prefer not to share the Seller/Buyer information or House Bill(s) of Lading data with “K” Line, they have
the option to manage their own filings. In such cases, customers must establish a connection to the EU’s Shared
Trader Interface (STI). They only need to provide “K” Line with the EORI number of the responsible declarant.